Been a long time I did not fill my blog. This time I went back to the topic "Easter Egg". In this Easter, we are enriching my English group were told to make Easter eggs. Previously I was confused what to do. Then I got the idea to make the egg into a cute bunny. I chose the rabbit as a creation because the Easter is usually connect with rabbits. Why a rabbit? Because in Europe, during the Easter month of April, rabbits reproduce very rapidly. Everywhere looks rabbits. This makes the rabbits often become one of the symbols in the Easter period.
On the day of making Easter eggs, of course we were told to prepare our own materials needed. Since that time I was too hasty to go to school, so I do not directly take responsibility hairpin-making materials used to test my Special Home yesterday. At that time I did not care what it is, the important thing I bring the material. Then I also went to school.
And the time came my English enrichment class is in the afternoon at 15.15. Previously, my friend was told to buy a lot of eggs for Easter egg-making today, and for the purchase of each student to collect Rp 1000.
Time comes. My teacher distribute 1 egg for every child. And before we have to spend to create the egg contents first. Using tip of knife, we made a small hole on each side of the tip of the egg. Then with our toothpicks digging out the inside so rapid.
My hands were full of white and yolk. Unfortunately my hole is too small. So I take a long time to clean the inside. While my classmates have already started creating. But not long after that I was finished and quickly to the seat for the immediate creation of an egg.
As already I'm sued, I'm just carrying improvised material that I do not know to what I made. Inside the bag there is a blue flannel, blue, yellow, pink and white. I'm confused with all the ingredients like I do with this. Then I turned my head as my imagination and creativity!
And would like below! I took a picture in my backyard. I tried to take a picture from different side? How about it, funny isn't it?
On the day of making Easter eggs, of course we were told to prepare our own materials needed. Since that time I was too hasty to go to school, so I do not directly take responsibility hairpin-making materials used to test my Special Home yesterday. At that time I did not care what it is, the important thing I bring the material. Then I also went to school.
And the time came my English enrichment class is in the afternoon at 15.15. Previously, my friend was told to buy a lot of eggs for Easter egg-making today, and for the purchase of each student to collect Rp 1000.
Time comes. My teacher distribute 1 egg for every child. And before we have to spend to create the egg contents first. Using tip of knife, we made a small hole on each side of the tip of the egg. Then with our toothpicks digging out the inside so rapid.
My hands were full of white and yolk. Unfortunately my hole is too small. So I take a long time to clean the inside. While my classmates have already started creating. But not long after that I was finished and quickly to the seat for the immediate creation of an egg.
As already I'm sued, I'm just carrying improvised material that I do not know to what I made. Inside the bag there is a blue flannel, blue, yellow, pink and white. I'm confused with all the ingredients like I do with this. Then I turned my head as my imagination and creativity!
And would like below! I took a picture in my backyard. I tried to take a picture from different side? How about it, funny isn't it?
Sudah lama aku tak mengisi blog ku. Kali ini aku kembali dengan topik "Telur Paskah". Pada bulan Paskah ini, kami kelompok pengayaan Bahasa Inggrisku disuruh membuat telur Paskah. Sebelumnya aku bingung mau membuat apa. Lalu aku mendapatkan ide untuk membuat telur itu menjadi kelinci yang lucu. Aku memilih kelinci sebagai kreasi telur paskahku karena paskah identik dengan yang namanya kelinci. Mengapa kelinci? Karena di Eropa, pada saat bulan Paskah yaitu bulan April, kelinci berkembang biak dengan sangat pesat. Di mana-mana terlihat kelinci. Hal ini yang membuat kelinci seringkali menjadi salah satu simbol dalam masa Paskah.
Pada hari pembuatan telur Paskah tersebut, tentunya kami disuruh untuk menyiapkan sendiri bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan. Karena saat itu aku terlalu terburu-buru untuk berangkat sekolah, maka aku tak tanggung-tanggun langsung mengambil bahan bekas pembuatan jepit rambut untuk test Special English ku kemarin. Waktu itu aku tak peduli apa isinya, yang penting aku membawa bahannya. Lalu aku pun berangkat ke sekolah.
Dan waktu pangayaan bahsa Inggris pun tiba yaitu pada sore pukul 15.15 . Sebelumnya temanku sudah disuruh untuk membeli banyak telur untuk pembuatan telur paskah hari ini, dan untuk pembelian itu setiap siswa mengumpulkan Rp 1000.
Saatnya tiba. Guruku membagikan 1 telur untuk setiap anak. Dan sebelum berkreasi kami harus mengeluarkan isi telur terlebih dahulu. Inillah saat yang terseru! Dengan menggunakan ujung pisau, kami membuat lubang kecil di setiap sisi ujung telur. Lalu dengan tusuk gigi kami mengorek-ngorek bagian dalamnya supaya cepat keluar.
Tanganku penuh dengan putih dan kuning telur. Sayangnya lubangku terlalu kecil. Sehingga aku membutuhkan waktu lama untuk membersihkan bagian dalamnya. Sedangkan temanku sudah memulai berkreasi. Tapi tak berapa lama setelah itu aku pun menyelesaikannya dan cepat-cepat ke tempat duduk untuk segera mengkreasikan telur.
Seperti yang sudah aku karakan, aku hanya membawa bahan seadanya yang aku belum tahu untuk kubuat apa. Di dalam tas itu terdapat kain flanel biru, biru muda, kuningmerah muda dan putih. Aku bingung mau kuapakan dengan semua bahan ini. Lalu aku memutar otakku dan berkreasi sesuai imajinasiku!
Dan jadinya seperti yang di bawah ini!!
Aku memotretnya di halaman belakang rumahku. Aku mencoba memotretnya dari berbagai sudut pandang? Bagaimana, lucu bukan?
I put the easter eggs among the mango tree in the backyard.
Kuletakkan telur paskahku di antara batang pohon mangga yang berada di halaman belakang.
Then I put it inside the pot
Lalu yang ini aku letakkan di pot yang menggantung.
Lalu yang ini aku letakkan di pot yang menggantung.
In the middle of the orchid..
Di tengah pot anggrek.
Di tengah pot anggrek.
Above the lime tree branch.
Di atas dahan pohon jeruk purut.
At the grass ..
Di atas rerumputan..
I took a picture with a variety of viewpoints. And under this seemed appropriate to be used as wallpaper!
Aku memotretnya dengan berbagai sudut pandang. Dan yang di bawah ini sepertinya cocok untuk dijadikan wallpaper!I put on flowers. Cute right?
Kuletakkan di atas bunga. Lucu kan??
Hope you enjoy my photographhy of my easter egg!! Bye!
Semoga teman-teman menikmati photographyku. Sampai jumpa!!